Kopi Meningkatkan Kewaspadaan Berkendara
Coffee Increase Driving Precautions

Bagi masyarakat yang sering memanfaatkan sarana transportasi darat, kopi bagai teman yang ikut membantu kebugaran pengendara ketika melaju dijalan. Bagaimana sesungguhnya peran kopi terhadap aktifitas berkendara berdasarkan studi?
For most people who frequently use land transportation, coffee like a friend who helped fitness rider when driving on the street. How exactly the role of coffee on the activities of driving under study? Consuming caffeine beverages such as: coffee can reduce the risk of accidents. Of a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, 25 percent of respondents had fallen asleep while driving."As many as 25,000 people die each year due to accidents caused by falling asleep while driving," said Monita C. Tombeng of PT. V-KOOL ® Indo Lestari when met at the Coffee Experience.
Para peneliti menyatakan bahwa kopi merupakan salah satu faktor pencegah kecelakaan alasannya yakni menciptakan pengemudi tetap terjaga dan waspada. Kopi menurunkan risiko kecelakaan kendaraan beroda empat sampai 63 persen, berdasarkan studi tersebut menyerupai dilansir nzherald.co.nz.
Another study published in the British Medical Journal of Australia in 2008 and 2011 to compare the long-distance driver 530 which never had an accident, and 517 drivers who have never had an accident.The researchers stated that coffee is one of the factors preventing accidents by making drivers stay awake and alert. Coffee lowers risk of a car accident by 63 percent, according to the study as reported by nzherald.co.nz. .
Meskipun demikian, kopi hanya sanggup membantu konsentrasi dan menghilangkan kantuk untuk sementara waktu saja. Tidak sanggup menghilangkan kelelahan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang.
"Batas kondusif kafein agar tidak mengakibatkan kantuk yakni 100 mg kafein atau setara dengan 150 ml kopi hitam arabika," ucap Heri Setiadi, spesialis kopi sekaligus pemilik kedai kopi lokal, Caffe La Tazza.
However, coffee can only help concentration and the sleep for a while only. Can not eliminate fatigue in the long term.
"No safe level of caffeine that cause drowsiness that 100 mg of caffeine, equivalent to 150 ml of black coffee arabica," said Heri Setiadi, a coffee expert and owner of a local coffee shop, Caffe La Tazza..
"No safe level of caffeine that cause drowsiness that 100 mg of caffeine, equivalent to 150 ml of black coffee arabica," said Heri Setiadi, a coffee expert and owner of a local coffee shop, Caffe La Tazza..
Those are some reasons why coffee can Improve Driving Precautions, however the more important when driving is to be careful and do not forget to pray. Greetings.
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